Gator Token (GATOR)
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Last updated
Token Name: GatorToken
Token Symbol: GATOR
Contract Address: 0x88371dEC00BC3543231E01089c3Dc6D94289d4aF
Chain: Binance Smart Chain (BEP20)
Max Supply: Unlimited
Burn Rate: 5.6% of transfer tax will be burned immediately
Automatic Liquidity Rate: 1.4% of transfer tax will be added to the LP pool and locked.
Total Transfer Tax Rate: 7% of every transfer
60 Gator / block
1728000 Gator/ day
9.09% to the dev team to ensure essential growth of the project (devs choose to burn them)
There's currently no hard cap on the supply of Gator, making it an inflationary token.
Community members often point to this as a cause for concern, and while the dev team certainly understands the wish for a hard cap, there's a big reason we don't expect to set one in the near future.
Gator's primary function is to incentivize providing liquidity to the exchange. Without block rewards, there would be much less incentive to provide liquidity (LP fees, etc. would remain).
By reducing the amount of Gator generated per block, we slow the inflation. This has already been done once: from 70 to 60. But we don't want to do this too frequently, too early, for the same reason we don't want a hard cap: we still need to incentivize people to provide liquidity.
Gator now has a 7% transfer tax in each transfer. 5.6% is burned directly and the rest 1.4% is added to Gator-BNB liquidity pool and locked. This deflationary mechanism will help us to reduce the circulating supply of Gator which will release sell peruse a lot.